Libby Lou's Fun Factory
3039 Location is now closed. We will see you in March at our new location in Bubbly Hall, New Albany
Tuesday - Saturday
11:00 am - 9:00pm
11:00am - 7:00pm
Extreme Dessert Shop & Party Services
3039 Indianola is now closed.
We will see you in March at Bubbly Hall, New Albany
Shipping within the United States Only.
Shipping costs are determined in real time by the carrier that is chosen.
We ship all Cotton Candy orders on Mondays only.
We are not responsible for any shrinkage with cotton candy products that are shipped in the summer. We have no control over the carrier and their shipping times once they have picked up the packages.
All products are purchased at the time of order.
Libby Lou's Fun Factory
3039 Location is now closed. We will see you in March at our new location in Bubbly Hall, New Albany
Tuesday - Saturday
11:00 am - 9:00pm
11:00am - 7:00pm